Friday, August 2, 2013

Minecraft - Ultimate Survial Game - 1st Experience

Minecraft is one of the most addicting games that I have played. Minecraft is the ultimate survival game. You start with nothing, and you basically have to figure your way to not only better living quarters but survive. I felt some expert adventurer that would re-craft an empire (after some world nuclear disaster) and eventually civilization would just appear. I figured survivors were hiding underground barely surviving with all the zombies, skeletons, and the creepy huge black figures stealing things (yes, it seems racist but those things are way to creepy be human).

Being a complete NOOB at the game made my experience more fun.  Imagine the first time you ate your favorite food, remember why it is your favorite? My experience was like that. I kept the Minecraft-Wiki (big help) handy to consult when finding new items or to figure what I needed to accomplish some tasks. Here is an overview of my first journey.

I took the liberty to brush up a bit on things I should be aware and came up with two major things. Food, which has so many varieties, will keep you alive so acquiring it should always be a priority. Secondly, bad things happen in the dark (this includes night time and dark areas). With this knowledge my first priorities were; how do I protect myself? And how do I get food?

At games start, I was amazed at the world I had just entered so I decided to take a look round. I managed to find animals in a forest like area with a pond. This seemed like a good starting spot as a nearby mountain allowed me a little cave room. I found little trouble collecting wood, crafting tools, and making my cave space a home. I cowered in my cave watching the beasts roam the night and occasionally try to find their way into my little spot (sun came up and they went into flames, wow).

I used the animals to my advantage for food and other supplies (the spiders that waited on my mountain to ambush me got me string to fish). I wanted to farm cause I found out you can make pumpkin pie and I had found some pumpkin (took a while but made it, yum). I needed to upgrade my tools so behind my cave room I started digging my way to find better materials. I ran into some bedrock and found a massive cave that lead to a series of other caves. This cave was interesting to explore and it was difficult to dodge the enemies I encountered. I first marked the cave holes I hadn’t explored but lighted with torches to I could remember where to go. I found lots of iron, coal, and even lava (awesome, lava). Lighting places, blocking unlit areas I hadn’t explored and marking areas aided in combating enemies and not getting lost (I did get lost a few times and had to strategically block and mark some areas because nothing but bad guys would just appear out the dark) . I finally found some gold and DIAMOND, kind of accidently, only to have the worst thing happen. I got attacked by some annoying skeleton near the diamond and some lava. Unexpectedly got pinned to where I was pushed into the lava by one of the skeleton arrows, lost just about everything (not put in my oversized chest in my cave room). Yes, I got PWND. It will take some time to re-craft everything I lost into that lava and I won’t get my vast amount of iron I was carrying but those are the breaks.

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