most addicting game right now has got to be League of Legends. I got immersed in
this game when I randomly learned that quite a few of my friends were playing
it. “You should play it” they said, “It will be fun” they said. I really didn’t
realize what I was getting into and then the frustration of trying to get it set
With having no previous knowledge of the game or how anything works, there I was
playing it (I thought figuring it out was part of the adventure but it only made it frustrating). At first, I wasn’t sure how the Champion I picked was leveling up when
I was barely doing anything and that the small minions couldn’t be the only
enemies. I was coached by my friends on some game basics and tactics but it
sounded like a bunch of gibberish to me (like when an excited 2 year old wants
to tell you something but he jumbles all his words together and you cannot
really understand what he is saying.…it was like that).
The gist of the game is to basically control certain points on the map that
eventually lead into taking down the base of your enemies (it actually sounds more complicated) and in the process,
you basically want to skillfully destroy everything while being in an arms race
with the other team (the thirst for kills is real). There are so many items,
champions, styles of play, and settings that will either make or break your
experience (which is why the game is so addicting, you basically have to figure
out what works and there is so much versatility).
After a few late nights, I have managed to gain a skill level around 11 and
have gotten accustom to 2 champions (I barely try any of the others). I can’t imagine what will happen if I
manage to get to ranked matches because I still don’t understand most of what
goes on and I can’t seem to avoid getting ganked by half the team on occasion when
it appears that I am actually doing well. Honestly, I am having fun just destroying
the other team and trying to aid my teammates with minimal knowledge of strategy
in this game (my assist game is crazy, CP3 AND Cliff Paul would be impressed).
Overall, I think that League of Legends is a great game (ignoring the fact that
I am probably an average player and should have probably quit playing a long
time ago). I do think that some of the
matches take entirely too long to play (as if the game is the bank teller that
gives you a piece of candy as to distract on how long it is taking to complete what
should be a fairly simple and non-time consuming task. When you finally leave
you glance at the time and realize you were in there entirely too long, part of
your day was wasted, and to deal with your sadness all you want is another
piece of candy) and more than half of that time is spent loading the match
(like restaurants that offer you a salad bar with a fancy display of produce as
so you notice how long it’s actually taking for the food to make it to your
table only to be sent back because your order is somehow wrong).
If you have some extra time and like to kill, steal, and destroy (while
clicking the mouse as if you have some kind of suppressed amount of energy that can only be cured by excessive mouse clicking) then play League of Legends. It’s like
building an elaborate sandcastle only to have someone come and destroy part of
it because they didn’t like part of the architecture which breaks the structure entirely
forcing you to shamefully try again.
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