Monday, April 14, 2014

FIFA 14 SEASONS: Road to D1 Part 5

Division 7 was similar to Division 8. Many of my opponents either tired to cheese or the game was just full of cheese (enough cheese to make nachos). I will give you the run down of this division quickly since I have already advanced to Div 6 and need to practice before playing again.

Arsenal* vs Real Madrid
Starting another division with Arsenal and much like their season lately, no luck. 0-2 loss.

Real Madrid* vs ManCity
Annoyed at my first loss and took it out on this opponent. 4-1 win.

FC Barcelona* vs ManU

Are you upset bro? 4-1 win.

Chelsea* vs Bor. Dortmund
Honestly, I got pretty lucky this game. 2-0 win

Liverpool* vs Uruguay
I man not sure what I was thinking playing as Liverpool. I figured I should try them out and it was just annoying. 3-5 loss.

Ivory Coast* vs Some team I never heard of

I was trying to have some fun. 1-4 loss.

FC Barcelona* vs Real Madrid
Could do this all day. 3-1 win.

USA* vs Zent
Disappointing game. 1-1

FC Barcelona* vs Bayern

Not time for games 4-0

FC Barcelona* vs ManU

I got bored. 0-2 loss

Next Division coming soon.

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