Monday, March 10, 2014

FIFA 14 SEASONS: Road to D1 Part 2

Things didn’t really go my way today with some pretty heartbreaking losses. Im not really sure what possesses some players to just completely blow passes sometimes (mainly on the receiving in of a pass, as if I didn’t have the pass control set right or something). I made a few adjustments to my play style which lead to some better goals but I did blow some fairly simple chances here and there (annoying). Here is how I fared in the next 5 games (looks like I need some more practice).

Game #4 Chelsea* v Bayern
Chelsea is a team I like to play with from time to time and this game was pretty much a joke. My opponent was a prick but ill take the 7-0 win and the promotion.

Game #5 Bayern* v Real Madrid

Having not played previously with Bayren yet in the game I was kind of surprised. I didn’t play with my usual set up with this team (I guess trying new things are more fun than winning or losing sometimes…phst, yeah right). Played a disappointing game in the rain for a 0-2 loss (no division title just yet). No words for this one.

Game #6 Real Madrid*v Belgium
Honestly thought it was a joke playing against Belgium (not to say they are bad team because Ill probably play with them at some point).  I managed to score 2 great goals with Khedira and my opponent quits (not sure if this was a wise choice). Afterwards, I didn’t actually get the win recorded till a little while later. 2-0 victory and Im in Div 9 (Div 10 title finally).

Game #7 Real Madrid* v Real Madrid
Yes, I couldn’t believe it either being matched up against the same team but that is what I get I guess. 3-4 loss due to an unlucky touch and a well done finish by my opponent (still a prick).

Game #8 Real Madrid* v Man City
Playing as Real again because I felt a bit cheated out of the last game. In this game, headers are certainly cheese (maybe Im not giving my opponent enough credit for the well placed crosses he finished  with a defender close enough to lick the sweat off of him). I just don’t get it. 2-1 loss.

4-0-4 is not my best start overall and 2 early losses in this division has me thinking I need to go back to basics. Some time practicing a few things and planning certain attacks better might help me climb out of this division. I made some controller adjustments (because this is the first thing I look at when I don’t think I should have lost a certain way).

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